This document details the requirements for integrating Secure W2 for SCEP and RADIUS authentication with the datajar.mobi service.
Secure W2 provide a knowledge base article which will be referenced by the prerequisites below.
- Completion of the steps in the article listed here until the section titled "Set Up Certificate Enrollment via SCEP on JAMF"
- Provide the SCEP URL from Step 5 of "Set Up Certificate Enrollment via SCEP on JAMF"
- Provide the Challenge Secret from Step 8 of "Set Up Certificate Enrollment via SCEP on JAMF"
- Provide a copy of the Signing Certificate key store PKCS12 file from Step 11 of "Set Up Certificate Enrollment via SCEP on JAMF"
- Provide the Signing Certificate key store PKCS12 password from Step 11 of "Set Up Certificate Enrollment via SCEP on JAMF"
- Provide the common name of the intermediate CA that will be issuing the certificate for the client from Step 11 of "Set Up JAMF Configuration Profiles for SCEP & WPA2-Enterprise"
- Provide the subject name for the client certificate from Step 12 of "Set Up JAMF Configuration Profiles for SCEP & WPA2-Enterprise"
- Provide the SAN details for the client certificate from Step 12 of "Set Up JAMF Configuration Profiles for SCEP & WPA2-Enterprise"
- Provide the details of any other values that might be require for the SCEP process from Step 12 of "Set Up JAMF Configuration Profiles for SCEP & WPA2-Enterprise"
- Provide a copy of the CA Certificate file from Step 8 of "Set Up the Certificate Payload for RADIUS Server Certificate Validation"
- Provide the details of any addition common names for the RADIUS Servers from Step 13 of "Set Up the Certificate Payload for RADIUS Server Certificate Validation"
- Provide the SSID details from Step 5 of "Configure a Wi-Fi Payload for 802.1x"
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Alternatively, please see our frequently updated knowledge base articles for reference.