This document outlines the requirements from developers in order to deploy Enterprise or In-House Apps via the datajar.mobi service.
General requirements
- The CFBundleIdentifier should be unique to this App and should not contain the version number. These should be in a reverse domain name format, for example: uk.co.dataJAR.Auto-UpdateCatalogueBrowser. For more information, please see Apple's developer documentation.
- The CFBundleVersion should be used to identify the build iteration of the App. This should contain only numeric characters separated by periods in the format [Major].[Minor].[Patch], for example 1.2.3. For more information, please see Apple's developer documentation.
- For datajar.mobi deployments, it's strongly recommended that semantic versioning is used. More information on Semantic Versioning can be found here.
- It is also requested that this value is the same as CFBundleShortVersionString for datajar.mobi deployments, if possible.
- The CFBundleShortVersionString should be used to identify the release version of the App. This should contain only numeric characters separated by periods in the format [Major].[Minor].[Patch], for example 1.2.3. For more information, please see Apple's developer documentation.
- For datajar.mobi deployments, it's strongly recommended that semantic versioning is used. More information on Semantic Versioning can be found here.
- It is also requested that this value is the same as CFBundleVersion for datajar.mobi deployments, if possible.
- The App should be supplied as a .ipa file with the provisioning profile embedded. It is strongly recommended that the expiry date of the provisioning profile is recorded by the developer with an updated App and profile supplied at least 14 days before expiry.
- For larger applications or deployments, we recommend the application be hosted on a web server, and the URL can be supplied.
Requirements for updates to Enterprise Apps
In order to deploy an updated version of an Enterprise or In-House App, the following requirements must be met:
- The updated App must have an identical CFBundleIdentifier to the un-patched version of the App
- Both the CFBundleVersion andCFBundleShortVersionString values must be incremented by a minimum of x.x.1 from the previous version.
- Updates should be submitted with ample notice for any test rollouts as required by the datajar.mobi customer
- Update rollouts should be scheduled within dataJAR support hours, although every effort will be made to try and accommodate rollouts at the end or beginning of support. Please consult your datajar.mobi support agreement for specifics on dataJAR support hours.
Need further support?
Automate. Simplify. Succeed. If you still require assistance with us or have any further questions, please raise a ticket with our support team.
Alternatively, please see our frequently updated knowledge base articles for reference.