This article addresses the changes in software titles as of Q4 2021.
Overtime titles within the Auto-Update Catalogue will be retired by the developer, replaced with another title, or the title might be renamed.
The below sections contain the changes that were actioned on December 1, 2021.
Due to the length of this article, it has been split into three sections. Please see these sections linked below:
Renamed Titles
For these titles, the Auto-Update Name has changed but the item installed will be the same as previously.
These changes have been mostly made to better clarify what the title is deploying, as well as enforcing some naming conventions within the Auto-Update Catalogue.
As such, please update your Auto-Update Policy's to use the new Auto-Update Name, and test before deploying.
Current Auto-Update Name |
Auto-Update Name after December 1st, 2021 |
1Password |
1Password7 |
3CX |
3CXPhone |
AmazonCoretto8 |
AmazonCorretto8 |
AULab |
AppleAULab |
AxureRP8-Trial |
AxureRP8 |
AxureRP9-Trial |
AxureRP9 |
AxureRP10-Trial |
AxureRP10 |
BalsamiqMockups |
BalsamiqMockups3 |
BeyondCompare4-Trial |
BeyondCompare4 |
CarbonCopyCloner |
CarbonCopyCloner5 |
CarbonCopyCloner5-Trial |
CarbonCopyCloner5 |
CarbonCopyCloner6-Trial |
CarbonCopyCloner6 |
CharlesProxy |
Charles |
ColorNavigator |
ColorNavigator6 |
DirectoryStudio |
ApacheDirectoryStudio |
drawioDesktop | |
ESETEndpointAnti-Virus |
ESETEndpointAntivirus |
Finale |
Finale26 |
FlowSync |
PolarFlowSync4 |
FLStudio |
FLStudio20 |
GlyphsMini2Trial |
GlyphsMini2 |
iStopMotion |
iStopMotion3 |
JamfConnectSyncLA |
JamfConnectSyncLaunchAgent |
K2Client |
SassafrasKeyAccess |
KomodoIDE |
KomodoIDE12 |
Lightwright |
Lightwright6 |
LinkOptimizer |
ZevrixLinkOptimizer6 |
LogMeInRescueTechnicianConsole |
LogMeIn-Rescue |
MasteringTools |
AppleAudioMasteringTools |
MediaHumanYouTubeDownloader-Trial |
MediaHumanYouTubeDownloader |
Mendeley |
MendeleyDesktop |
Milanote1 |
Milanote |
Milanote2 |
Milanote |
MSLync |
MicrosoftLync |
MSTeams |
MicrosoftTeams |
Mu |
MuEditor |
mu-editor |
MuEditor |
MuseScore |
MuseScore3 |
NavicatPremiumEssentials15-Trial |
NavicatPremiumEssentials15 |
ownCloudDesktopClient |
ownCloud |
PPPC Utility |
PPPCUtility |
PritunlClient |
Pritunl |
pycharmce |
PyCharmCE |
PyCharmPro |
PyCharm |
RazerSynapse2 |
RazerSynapse |
Rhinoceros7 |
Rhino7 |
SassafrasClient |
SassafrasKeyAccess |
Seafile |
SeafileClient |
Signiant App |
SigniantApp |
Sonos |
SonosS1Controller |
SonosS2 |
SonosS2Controller |
SketchUpViewer2017-EN |
SketchUpViewer-EN |
Sphere2 |
A+Suite |
SportsCode |
HudlSportscode11 |
sqlitebrowser |
DBBrowserforSQLite |
SwitchResX4-Trial |
SwitchResX4 |
Tableau |
TableauDesktop2021 |
TeamViewerQS |
TeamViewerQuickSupport |
Terminus |
Termius |
TextMate2 |
TextMate |
TheMUT |
threat-dragon-desktop |
OWASP-Threat-Dragon |
Twine2 |
Twine |
Vectoraster7-Trial |
Vectoraster7 |
VMware-Horizon-Client |
VMwareHorizonClient |
Replaced Titles
These titles in general have been either replaced by another title from the developer, or there is a newer version available.
However, these replacement titles may have different application name, functionality and licensing.
Please test these replacement titles, before deploying and review links (where supplied).
Current Auto-Update Name |
Replacement Auto-Update Name |
More Information |
AdobeAcrobatProDCCC2018 |
AdobeAcrobatDC2020 or AdobeAcrobatDC2021 |
AdobeAfterEffectsCC2018 |
AdobeAfterEffects2020 or AdobeAfterEffects2021 |
Adobe 2022 will be released in the near future. As such, titles older than 2020 will then be unsupported by Adobe: |
AdobeAfterEffectsCC2019 |
AdobeAnimateCC2018 |
AdobeAnimate2020 or AdobeAnimate2021 |
AdobeAnimateCC2019 |
AdobeAuditionCC2018 |
AdobeAudition2020 or AdobeAudition2021 |
AdobeAuditionCC2019 |
AdobeBridgeCC2018 |
AdobeBridge2020 or AdobeBridge2021 |
AdobeBridgeCC2019 |
AdobeCharacterAnimatorCC2018 |
AdobeCharacterAnimator2020 or AdobeCharacterAnimator2021 |
AdobeCharacterAnimatorCC2019 |
AdobeCreativeCloudDesktopApp4 |
AdobeCreativeCloudDesktopApp |
AdobeCreativeCloudDesktopApp2017 |
AdobeDimensionCC2018 |
AdobeDimension2020 |
AdobeDimensionCC2019 |
AdobeDreamweaverCC2018 |
AdobeDreamweaver2020 or AdobeDreamweaver2021 |
AdobeDreamweaverCC2019 |
AdobeIllustratorCC2018 |
AdobeIllustrator2020 or AdobeIllustrator2021 |
AdobeIllustratorCC2019 |
AdobeInCopyCC2018 |
AdobeInCopy2020 or AdobeInCopy2021 |
AdobeInCopyCC2019 |
AdobeInDesignCC2018 |
AdobeInDesign2020 or AdobeInDesign2021 |
AdobeInDesignCC2019 |
AdobeLightroomCC2019 |
AdobeLightroom2020 or AdobeLightroom2021 |
AdobeLightroomClassicCC2018 |
AdobeLightroomClassic2020 or AdobeLightroomClassic2021 |
AdobeLightroomClassicCC2019 |
AdobeMediaEncoderCC2018 |
AdobeMediaEncoder2020 or AdobeMediaEncoder2021 |
AdobeMediaEncoderCC2019 |
AdobePhotoshopCC2018 |
AdobePhotoshop2020 or AdobePhotoshop2021 |
AdobePhotoshopCC2019 |
AdobePreludeCC2018 |
AdobePrelude2020 or AdobePrelude2021 |
AdobePreludeCC2019 |
AdobePremiereProCC2018 |
AdobePremierePro2020 or AdobePremierePro2021 |
AdobePremiereProCC2019 |
AdobePremiereRushCC2019 |
AdobePremiereRush2020 or AdobePremiereRush2021 |
AdobeXDCC2018 |
AdobeXDCC2020 or AdobeXDCC2021 |
AdobeXDCC2019 |
BriaStretto |
BriaEnterprise | 115001877085-Bria-Enterprise-formerly-Bria-Stretto-Software-Downloads |
ColorMunkiPhoto |
i1Studio |
CrashPlanPROeClient |
Code42 | |
Cura |
UltimakerCura |
Renamed Ultimaker Cura with as of 4.5: |
DisplayLinkDrivers |
DisplayLinkManager |
Can no longer be downloaded, DisplayLinkManager appears to be the replacement. |
DJIAssistant2ForMatrice |
DJIAssistant2EnterpriseSeries | softwares/assistant-dji-2-for-matrice URL redirects to a page for DJIAssistant2EnterpriseSeries |
EgnyteDesktopSync |
EgnyteConnect |
FramerDesktop |
Framer |
FramerDesktop-Trial |
FramerX |
FramerX-Trial |
GladinetCloudMacClient |
GladinetCloudDriveMacClient9 or GladinetCloudMacClient12 |
GoogleBackupandSync |
GoogleDrive |
GoogleDriveFileStream |
GoogleDrive |
InsomniaCore |
Insomnia |
InsomniaDesigner |
JPEGmini |
JPEGminiPro |
KiwiforGSuite |
KiwiforGmail |
EV3Classroom |
MakerBot |
MakerBotPrint |
MediaMasterPro |
MediaMasterPro5 or MediaMasterPro6 |
Title has been changed to advise on the major version deployed. |
MicrosoftExcel2016 |
MicrosoftExcel2019 or MicrosoftExcel365 |
As of 13 Oct 2020, Office 2016 is no longer supported: |
MicrosoftOneNote2016 |
MicrosoftOneNote2019 or MicrosoftOneNote365 |
MicrosoftOutlook2016 |
MicrosoftOutlook2019 or MicrosoftOutlook365 |
MicrosoftPowerPoint2016 |
MicrosoftPowerPoint2019 or MicrosoftPowerPoint365 |
MicrosoftWord2016 |
MicrosoftWord2019 or MicrosoftWord265 |
PostgreSQL |
PostgreSQL13 or PostgreSQL14 |
Title has been changed to advise on the major version deployed. |
Reaper64 |
Reaper |
Title has been renamed from to |
renpy6 |
renpy7 |
renpy6 was replaced by renpy7 in 2018. |
ScratchDesktop |
Scratch3 |
Replaced by Scratch3, ScratchDesktop can no longer be downloaded. |
SequelPro |
SequelAce |
ShareFileDesktop |
CitrixFiles |
ShareFileSync |
SketchUpPro2015-EN |
SketchUpPro2018-EN, SketchUpPro2019-EN, SketchUpPro2020-EN or SketchUpPro2021-EN |
Titles have been superseded numerous times, and the original media cannot be downloaded. |
SketchUpPro2016-EN |
SketchUpPro2017-EN |
TextWrangler |
BBEdit |
VMwareFusion |
VMwareFusion12 |
Only VMwareFusion12 is currently supported - |
VMwareFusion10 |
VMwareFusion11 |
WebArchivePlayer | |
WebArchivePlayer was replaced by WebRecorderPlayer: Which, in turn, has been replaced by |
WebrecorderPlayer |
X-Lite |
Bria |
Retired Titles
Auto-Update Name |
More Information |
AdobeExtendScriptToolkitCC |
No longer supported by Adobe, and no direct replacements offered: |
AdobeExtensionManagerCC2017 |
AdobeFireworksCS6 |
AdobeFlashBuilderPremiumCC2017 |
AdobeGamingSDKCC2017 |
AdobeMuseCC2018 |
AdobeScoutCC2017 |
AdobeSpeedGradeCC2015 | |
Coot |
Title has not been updated since 2015 and cannot run on macOS 10.15+ |
CrashPlanForEnterprise6 |
"no longer supported" - |
CrashPlanForEnterprise7 |
FocusriteControl |
Can no longer be kept updated as vendor has moved downloads to behind a login. |
FocusriteRedNetControl |
Can no longer be kept updated as vendor has moved downloads to behind a login. |
GoogleEarth |
Title has moved online:, alternatively try GoogleEarthPro |
iSwiff |
Requires Adobe Flash, and Adobe Flash is no longer supported - |
KasperskyNetworkAgent |
Can no longer be kept updated as vendor has moved downloads to behind a login. |
LameLibrary | |
Luxafor |
Moved to the Mac App Store: |
SketchBook |
Moved to the Mac App Store: |
sonicparticles2.0 |
Download has been removed - |
StaffWars |
Developers website is offline, and downloads no longer exist - |
Swiss-PdbViewer |
Will not run on macOS 10.15+ and hasn't been updated since 2019 - |
Triptico |
Title has moved online: |
Need further support?
Automate. Simplify. Succeed. If you still require assistance with us or have any further questions, please raise a ticket with our support team.
Alternatively, please see our frequently updated knowledge base articles for reference.