This article intends to inform on how to set up and use definitions in your instance.
Reporting on the patch level of your devices is important, which is why we extended Jamf Auto Update to create and update Patch definitions for the titles included within Jamf Auto Update in October 2021.
These patch definitions are inline with the mechanisms that Jamf Auto Update uses to define and detect a title's current version.
Your Jamf Auto Update subscription/trial or a hybrid subscription now includes one of these additional Patch sources enabled for patch reporting.
If your subscription started before October 2021, please raise a new support ticket requesting a Definitions instance.
To add this patch source to your Jamf Pro instance:
- Login to Jamf and navigate to Settings ⚙ > Computer Management > Patch Management
- Click the New button.
- In the Display Name set the name to
- Check Enabled.
- In Server and Port, enter: (leave port empty)
- Check Use SSL.
- Uncheck Validate Software Title Definitions.
- Click Save.
- Click Test.
- Click Test (once more), to confirm connectivity.
If there are any issues found, please raise a new support ticket with us.
Adding a Patch Definition
- Login to Jamf and navigate to Settings ⚙ > Computers> Patch Management.
- Click the New button.
- Click the disclosure triangle next to the entry.
- Locate the title you wish to add a Patch Definition for, and click +.
- Click Edit to change the category to Jamf Auto Update.
If the chosen Patch Definition contains an Extension Attribute, you will need to perform the steps below before the Patch Definition will be enabled for reporting:
- Click the Edit button.
- Click the Extension Attributes tab.
- Review the content of the Extension Attribute, and if happy proceed (if there is a problem, please raise a new support ticket).
- Click Accept.
- Check "I have reviewed the script and accept use of this extension attribute"
- Click OK.
The Patch Definition will now be enabled for reporting.
NOTE: If an Extension Attribute is updated or added to a Patch Definition, you'll see a notification in Jamf Pro that there has been a change and the above steps will need to be taken to approve this new/updated Extension Attribute.
Patch Policies
Patch Policies are not supported with Jamf Auto Update.
The purpose of Definitions is to leverage Patch Reporting in conjunction with Jamf Auto Update Policies to report on a title within macOS devices managed by your Jamf Pro instance.
Need further support?
Automate. Simplify. Succeed. If you still require assistance with us or have any further questions, please raise a ticket with our support team.
Alternatively, please see our frequently updated knowledge base articles for reference.