With the release of Jamf Auto Update 1.3, Jamf Auto Update's logging behaviour has changed.
As such, this article has been split into two parts:
Jamf Auto Update 1.3+
Jamf Auto Update 1.3’s new logging behaviour aims to provide more meaningful log messages, which are then picked up by Jamf Auto Update’s extension attribute, or reported via within a policies log. The log can be found at the below location:
See below for Jamf Auto Update’s more pertinent log messages :
Level | Message | Reason |
ERROR | Script result: sh:/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/Jamf Auto Update.py: /usr/local/munki/munki-python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory |
Jamf Auto Update was not installed at the time an Jamf Auto Update policy was run on the device. Verify that Jamf Auto Update is installed and then run the policy again, if the issue persists raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
ERROR | Failed to process the returned JWT, run terminated. | The returned JWT was malformed. Run Jamf Auto Update on the device again, and if the issue persists raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
ERROR | Terminating run due to encountering error: <error message> | Run Jamf Auto Update on the device again, and if the issue persists raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new |
INFO | <x> installed, <x> uninstalled, <x> installs pending, <x> uninstalls pending | Summary of the prior Jamf Auto Update run. Where <x> will either be 0 or the number of items installed/uninstalled or pending install/uninstall. |
INFO | Nothing pending, run terminated. | No items were found pending install/uninstall within Jamf Auto Update’s manifest. As such, the run is terminated. |
INFO | New branding supplied, rebranding... | The branding defined by the “branding_image” key appears to be different to prior, and as such Jamf Auto Update will apply the branding. For more information on rebranding Jamf Auto Update, please click here. |
INFO | Low data mode enabled and we are set to be network aware, run terminated. | The run was terminated as the primary network interface is set to be in Low Data Mode, and Jamf Auto Update’s “network_aware” key is set to: true. For more information on customising Jamf Auto Update, please click here. |
INFO | Device is tethered or connected to a personal hotspot and we are set to be network aware, run terminated. | The run was terminated as the primary network interface is either a hotspot or the device is on a tethered connection, and Jamf Auto Update’s “network_aware” key is set to: true. For more information on customising Jamf Auto Update, please click here. |
INFO | Offline, run terminated. | The device had no network connection when Jamf Auto Update ran. So the run was terminated. |
WARNING | Removed <item_name> due to it raising the warning: <warning_message> | The item named: <item_name>, was automatically removed from Jamf Auto Update’s manifest due to: <warning_message>. This can be due a few reasons, such as:
If you need any assistance with items being automatically removed from the Jamf Auto Update manifest, please raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new |
Prior releases
Jamf Auto Update will write out a number of log messages during any Jamf Auto Update run.
This article list the various log messages, which component(s) can write the messages, and where the messages can be found.
Error messages which pertain to only Jamf Auto Update for datajar.mobi are shown in their own tables.
Log Locations
The below log messages can be found within the following location:
- Jamf Auto Update for Jamf - /var/log/auto-update.log
- datajar.mobi - /var/log/managed/jamJAR.log
Additionally if your organisation has either an Jamf Auto Update subscription or a datajar.mobi Hybrid subscription, you'll also find messages for the policy component written to the logs for the Jamf Auto Update Policy within Jamf Pro.
If any of the supplied resolutions do not resolve the issue and/or you would like some further clarification, please raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new.
Information Level Log Messages
Messages within the below table are informational only, with no needed followup actions.
Log Message | Component(s) | Reason |
LocalOnlyManifest (<manifest_name>) declared, but is missing. Nothing to process, terminating run. | preflight, postflight |
The manifest <manifest_name> has been declared, but is missing. Therefore there is nothing for Jamf Auto Update to process, and as such the Jamf Auto Update run is terminated. |
Offline, skipping preflight. | preflight | The macOS device is offline, Jamf Auto Update will proceed with any locally cached items. |
SoftwareRepoURL: <repo_url> | preflight |
The <repo_url> which the following Jamf Auto Updaye run will use to download titles from. |
ManagedInstallReport is missing. Nothing to process, terminating run. | postflight |
Nothing has been processed via Jamf Auto Update as of yet, but Jamf Auto Update has run. The Jamf Auto Update run is terminated at this step to stop any additional un-needed processing. |
ManagedInstallReport is missing. Nothing to process. | policy |
Nothing has been processed via Jamf Auto Update as of yet, but Jamf Auto Update has run. |
<x> installed, <x> removed, <x> pending, <x> warnings. |
postflight, policy |
Summary of activity from the last Jamf Auto Update run, when <x> is a number and:
NOTE: When logged via the policy, this message will be prefixed |
Added <title_name> to installs. |
policy |
Confirmation message to advise that <title_name> was added to Jamf Auto Update's installs list. |
Removed <title_name> from installs. |
policy |
Confirmation message to advise that <title_name> was removed from Jamf Auto Update's installs list. |
<title_name> not found in installs. |
policy |
Policy attempted to remove <title_name> from Jamf Auto Update's installs list, but it was not found within Jamf Auto Update's installs list. |
Added <title_name> to installs. |
policy |
Confirmation message to advise that <title_name> was added to Jamf Auto Update's uninstalls list. |
Removed <title_name> from uninstalls. |
policy |
Confirmation message to advise that <title_name> was removed from Jamf Auto Update's uninstalls list. |
<title_name> not found in uninstalls. |
policy |
Policy attempted to remove <title_name> from Jamf Auto Update's uninstalls list, but it was not found within Jamf Auto Update's uninstalls list. |
Error Level Log Messages
Messages within the below table are due to errors, and as such will warrant following up.
Log Message | Component(s) | Reason | Resolution |
/usr/local/munki/munki-python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory |
policy |
An Jamf Auto Update policy has been ran on a device which doesn't have Jamf Auto Update installed. |
Please review: Jamf Auto Update Recommended Antivirus Exclusions. Install Jamf Auto Update, and try once more. |
Error: This script must be run as root |
preflight, postflight, policy |
Jamf Auto Update was ran not ran as root. |
Re-run Jamf Auto Update under sudo as an admin or via a policy from Jamf Pro. |
Cannot find jamf binary. |
preflight, postflight, policy |
No jamf binary can be found at: /usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf. |
Re-install the jamf binary onto the device. This may require the device to be fully reprovisioned. |
Cannot import FoundationPlist. |
preflight, postflight, policy |
The FoundationList module cannot be found within the Jamf Auto Update's Python framework. |
Jamf Auto Update has not been installed fully, re-install to correct. |
Cannot get Managed Installs directory. |
preflight, postflight, policy |
The ManagedInstallDir key is missing from the ManagedInstalls preference domain. |
Make sure that that macOS device is in scope of the Jamf Auto Update configuration profile, which contains the payload for ManagedInstalls and that the profile is installed, and run Jamf Auto Update once more. |
No manifest declared. |
preflight, policy |
The LocalOnlyManifest key is missing from the ManagedInstalls preference domain. |
Make sure that that macOS device is in scope of the Jamf Auto Update configuration profile, which contains the payload for ManagedInstalls and that the profile is installed, and run Jamf Auto Update once more. |
Cannot read LocalOnlyManifest: <manifest_path>. |
preflight, postflight, policy |
The manifest declared at <manifest_path> cannot be read. |
Please review: Jamf Auto Update Recommended Antivirus Exclusions. Verify the data being passed within your Jamf Auto Update policies. |
Cannot determine repo. | preflight | The repo cannot be determined. |
Make sure that that macOS device is in scope of the Jamf Auto Update configuration profile, which contains the payload for ManagedInstalls and that the profile is installed, and run Jamf Auto Update once more. |
envQUERY connection failed with: <error_message>. | preflight | The macOS devices connection to envQUERY failed, the <error_message> will contain the exact reason. |
There was an issue connecting to envquery.datajar.mobi Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
JWT is missing items: <error_message>. | preflight | The JWT returned by envQUERY is missing one or more items. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
JWT cannot be decoded from base64: <error_message>. | preflight | The JWT returned by envQUERY cannot be decoded. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
envQUERY invalid response: <response_content>. | preflight | The response from envquery.datajar.mobi is not in the required format. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
envQUERY URL redirected to:<redirected_url>. | preflight | The connection to envquery.datajar.mobi was redirected to <redirected_url> |
Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. |
envQUERY error response code: <response_code>. | preflight | The HTTP code in the response from envQUERY was not 200. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
HMAC verification failed. | preflight | The data integrity and the authenticity of the returned JWT could not be verified. |
Make sure that that macOS device is in scope of the Jamf Auto Update configuration profile, which contains the payload for uk.co.dataJAR.jamJAR and that the profile is installed, and run Jamf Auto Update once more. Else, raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
Non-parsable data returned: <error_message>. | preflight | The data within the returned JWT did not include parsable JSON. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
nc check errored for: <repo_fqdn>:<repo_port> | preflight |
Checking connection to <repo_fqdn>:<repo_port> failed. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. If a datajar.mobi customer, additionally verify that the appliance is online, and accessible to macOS devices via <repo_fqdn> and port <repo_port>. |
nc check exited with a non-zero status. | preflight |
nc check could contact repo, but check still failed. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. If a datajar.mobi customer, additionally verify that the appliance is online, and accessible to macOS devices via <repo_fqdn> and port <repo_port>. |
Warning: <warning_message> | policy |
An item could not be processed, <warning_message> should give details as to what the issue maybe. |
Review the contents of <warning_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new if assistance is needed. |
Nothing assigned to $4, $5, $6. $7 or $8... exiting... | policy |
Jamf Auto Update Policy script called, but no values passed to the scripts parameters $4-$8. |
Assign a value to $4-$8, and re-run the policy. |
--auto command errored with: <error_msg> | policy |
The --auto command failed. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
--checkonly command errored with: <error_msg> | policy |
The --checkonly command failed. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
--installonly command errored with: <error_msg> | policy |
The --installonly command failed. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. Please review: Jamf Auto Update Network Requirements. Else, review the contents of <error_message> and raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
Jamf Auto Update only - Error Level Log Messages
Messages within the below table are errors which only apply to Jamf Auto Update customers.
Log Message | Component(s) | Reason | Resolution |
Cannot parse returned repo_url: <repo_url>. | preflight |
The <repo_url> returned is not in the correct format. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. If the issue persists, raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
Invalid repo protocol: <repo_protocol>. | preflight |
The returned <repo_protocol> is not in the correct format. |
Review status.datajar.mobi incase any outages or maintenance at the time of execution. If the issue persists, raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
datajar.mobi only - Error Level Log Messages
Messages within the below table are errors which only apply to datajar.mobi customers.
Log Message | Component(s) | Reason | Resolution |
Cannot read AdditionalHttpHeaders. | preflight | The AdditionalHttpHeaders key is missing from the ManagedInstalls preference domain. |
Run Jamf Auto Update once more. If the issue persists, raise a new support incident by visiting: https://support.datajar.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new. |
Need further support?
Automate. Simplify. Succeed. If you still require assistance with us or have any further questions, please raise a ticket with our support team.
Alternatively, please see our frequently updated knowledge base articles for reference.